
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Science Experiments for Special Kids

One of my professional development goals for myself for the year is to ramp up science experiments and writing activities in my classroom.  However simple science experiments are few and far between, add in a quest for picture instructions or easy student response sheets and it is tough to do an experiment!

That's where you come in!  Do you do science experiments with your class of learners with severe or multiple special needs? If every regular reader of this blog (I estimate that to be about 300 people) creates and shares one adapted science experiment collectively we will have access to enough experiments to last us years!

If you create materials in Boardmaker you can share by posting to the Science for Special Kids group on Boardmaker Share.  If you use other authoring software (Clicker5, SymbolMate, PixWriter, Classroom Suite) please post to the appropriate sharing site and then share a link below in the comments.  Alternatively you can email your files and I will post them to the Intensive SpEd Resources Wiki

Here are some wonderful websites full of science experiments to get you started:


  1. Attainment's Teaching To Standards Science has 4 sections, each with 5 experiments. I've used them with lower to high life skills kids and haven't had many problems. They also have a response guide premade that follows along with the questions given in the teacher guide.

  2. Janice Van Cleave has a series of science experiment books we use. Most of them are age-appropriate for high school, but still simple enough for my moderate-severe class to participate in. There are no picture symbols and breakdowns, but they're easily adapted with a little time.

  3. If you adapt any LC please share. That is the whole point of this post, for all of us doing this work to adapt a simple experiment and share. In the end we all will end up with lots of experiments to use.

  4. I really wish I had Boardmaker. I have several non-readers and it would be excellent support. Remedia also has some good science experiment books. They are super simple.

  5. I am excited to share with others! Science is a required component of the Iowa Alternative Assessment for 5th graders and any or all help is welcomed. As I create my first science unit for October, I will post it to the Boardmaker Share group. Thanks for getting this started!

  6. I am looking for a elementary Science Fair project for a student with ACC needs. She is non-verbal and uses pictures to communicate at this point. She loves using switch programs and toys and I was hoping to do a project along those lines...any ideas?


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