
Saturday, June 3, 2017

#seemeseemyaac challenge video

This past week in the Facebook group AAC through Motivate, Model, Move Out of the Way we held a challenge for folks to post one picture each day of AAC users with their AAC systems "in the wild" (in everyday use, preferably out in the world). It was an overwhelming success with hundreds and hundreds of pictures posted from around the world! Posts included some in Dutch, Norwegian, French and Spanish as well as English! The above video is the "long cut" and this is the "short cut".

You can see pictures from the campaign by searching for #seemeseemyaac on Facebook and other social media platforms. The campaign was such a success that another challenge is being planned for July!

Meanwhile, #seemeseemyaac is an ongoing event! Post pictures of your AAC users "in the wild" and add the #seemeseemyaac and join in the fun and inspiration!