
Tuesday, December 30, 2008


This little blog has been chosen as a finalist in 2008 Weblog Awards Education Category!

Voting isn't open yet, but I am hoping you all will cast your ballots on January 5th when it begins!

(You can still vote for TLWMSN in the Edublog Awards though! - TLWMSN currently has 42 votes, which is 3% of the vote. We are the only sped blog there too.)

Apparently there were 5,000 nominees in 49 categories, which gives a 1 in 10 chance of being chosen as one of the 10 finalists in a given category.

Here are the finalists for education (sorry they are not linked - it is late and I am tired):

This Week In Education
Joanne Jacobs
Mr. Hancock's Class Blog
Nature Society of ACS Klang High School, Malaysia
Mike Falick's Blog - A School Board Trustee's Blog
Dr. Wizard's Advice for College Students
Education for the Aughts
Teaching Learners with Multiple Special Needs

I am proud to once again create a place for special education in the top ten.


  1. Hi! I am sorry if you end up getting two comments from me, I posted and it seems to have disappeared. I just found your blog through Ryn Tale's, and I am so glad I did. Congratulations on your nomination, it is very impressive! I am mom to Max, a six year old boy who had a stroke at birth and has mild cerebral palsy as a result. He is doing so much better than the doctors said he would! Please come visit us sometime over at Happy New Year!

  2. I voted! Your blog rocks and deserves these great honors!

  3. thanks for the votes and the encouragement!


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