
Monday, March 2, 2009

Resources for this Week's News-2-You: Water for Africa


Online and Computer Based Activities:
Video a Day (you may need to download videos and show off line if video sites are blocked)
  • have children add green glitter to cups of water to represent germs (review germs from the news-2-you flu unit) and offer them a variety of materials to use to attempt to filter out the germs such as a coffee filter, burlap, and cheesecloth. Compare the results of filtered to unfiltered water. Possible embedded concepts - clean vs. dirty, conservation of liquids, more and less, sanitation in relation to hygiene and clean water
  • collect a variety of actual pumps such as hand soap pumps, the pump off of a large container of laundry detergent, bicycle pump or the pump part of a water gun (you may need to break it apart) have students predict what will happen if they activate the pump and then compare to what actually happens. Possible embedded concepts - up and down, press, stop and go

  • after you make drums you can dance and play to South African music
  • fill a sensory tub with water and various pumps (see science) and allow students to explore. Possible embedded concepts - wet vs. dry, hot vs. cold, up vs. down
Adapted Physical Education
  • if your school has one go to the playground and use the merry-go-round if not try spinning on other toys/physical therapy items (sit and spin, stand pivot disc)
  • try out African dancing (see videos above for ideas)

1 comment:

  1. I love how you provide resources for each week's News-2-You! They're great! I have a couple to add for this week's newspaper. There's a good PlayPumps video on YouTube located at And, I also made a Boardmaker Plus! writing template, which I shared on Adapted Learning at


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