
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I know I've said it before but: I love Mayer-Johnson's Symbol Request

I keep a pretty careful list of every picture I import to Boardmaker from the web and every time I need to "creatively re-purpose" a symbol (i.e. life jacket for body jacket) and when it gets long I submit it to Request a Symbol at the Mayer-Johnson website. A few months ago I submitted the list below and was thrilled with the symbols I received. My new symbols pretty much fall into three categories this time: medical, vocational and sensory. I also like knowing that these symbols will probably be in the next addendum for everyone.

List of my new symbols from Mayer-Johnson:
air conditioner
allergy shot
ARK grabber
Be age appropriate
beaded braids
bladder study
body jacket
chocolate scented
cinnamon creamer
citrus scented
continuous glucose monitor
corn rows
damp weather makes me hurt
don't forget epi pen
don't touch others AAC devices
eggs on top
end of peace
end of war
epi pen
fast acting insulin
find barcode
French vanilla creamer
get attendant
gift bag
gift card
hair straightener
hazelnut creamer
heat index
heat index too high to go outside
heavy items on bottom
high muscle tone
Hillary Clinton
hip dislocated
hip pain
hip surgery
hold fire hose
huge greeting card
I am too old for that
I'm having trouble with my tone
iced coffee
insulin pen
insulin pump
internal baclofen pump
long acting insulin
lower GI study
medical ID bracelet
medical ID necklace
medical ID shoe tag
medical ID wallet card
medical ID zipper pull
move and sit wedge
musical greeting card
national sports team
NPH insulin
orthopedic surgeon
orthopedic surgery
pack grocery bag
pins in hip
pollen count
pollen count too high to go outside
put in freezer bag
relax hair
self checkout aisle
self checkout not working
sit in fire truck
soft knee immobilizer
soldier returns home
spinal fusion
sports wheelchair
strawberry scented
swallow study
textured chewy tube
tilt in space wheelchair
tilt wheelchair back
tilt wheelchair forward
try on boots
try on helmet
turn AC down
turn AC up
upper GI study
weight on scanner
wheelchair mount
wheelchair pommel
wind turbine
You are too old for that


  1. I <3 Mayer-Johnson too! How cool that they provide you with new symbols. I love the ones about "I am too old for that" That's great!!!!

  2. My personal favorite of the new symbols is "don't touch others AAC devices". The look on the face of the character whose device is being touched is awesome.


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