
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Do you Pinterest?

Pinterest is a visual social networking site.  Members "pin" images or even videos to their pin boards.  Membership is free, so you might as well check it out.  And, like everything else, there is an app for that.

Some of my Pin Boards you might like to look at include:


  1. So you found a way to surf Pinterest AND blog! LOL Good work Kate. I have been thinking about how to use these long as I don't get lost in the boards...... :)

  2. Hi there! I think that this is an excellent idea! I have my own blog in which I review "technology tools" for classroom use. If I place links and give credit to both your blog and pintrest page, would you mind if I share your idea? You will be given full credit, it will only be my review of the pintrest idea.

  3. I really like this idea. Have submitted a request for an invite.

    -Life Skills Teacher

  4. I love Pinterest for the visual layout. It does suck you in quite quickly. I start out looking for therapy ideas and land up pinning recipes for dessert tomorrow (and I never even make dessert).


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