
Friday, October 25, 2013

Online Switch Games via Symbaloo

I have been using Symbaloo a lot in classroom to help staff find the best website to use with a student quickly. I thought I would share this Online Switch Game Symbaloo with all of you!  Let me know if you have some good ones to fill in the empty spots!


  1. Kate, You are a genius!!! I know that over time we all collect things like this and try to organize them in folders. But it never fails that we can't seem to find what we need at the time we need it, much less try to find it for the paras working with the kids in the classroom! I love this tool!!! So easy to see right where everything is. You are my HERO!! Thanks a million from all of the parents, teachers, paras, therapist and care takers out here!! This is a HUGE time saver for us all!!!! YOU ROCK!!!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing and can't wait to try it out with my students!


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