
Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Real Cost of Premium AAC Apps

This blog post from October 2014 has been updated.

Some prices have changed, some apps added and some removed.  The premise of this post is that in making all things equal in terms of assuming customers need a robust vocabulary, a premium TTS voice and a means to back up and share files we can compare the real cost of premium AAC apps over time. 

The most expensive app both for one and five years remains TouchChat/TouchChat HD.  Some app companies have realized that schools and health insurance reimbursement requires apps without add-on purchases and have started offering all inclusive versions of their apps.  Perhaps the most interesting development in the field is some apps offering premium TTS voices included in the cost of the app (Proloquo2Go and Clicker Communicate, for example) or for a minimal price and others have higher price points for the same voice (TouchChat and Go Talk Now offer a premium voice for $11.99, while Speak for Yourself offers the exact same premium voice for $24.99).

Of course price point isn't the only  reason to choose an app, which is why this chart seeks only to compare oranges to oranges price-wise and not to examine any of the other reasons why you would choose one app over another for your student, client or child.
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  1. Have you seen CoughDrop? It's a lot cheaper than most of those, and it seems to have most of the same functionality as Speak for Yourself (except for the Babble function).


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