
Thursday, November 1, 2007

An Honor

Thank you to those of you who either nominated me or seconded the nomination for TLWMSN in The 2007 Weblog Awards. TLWMSN has been named a finalist! That means out of all the nominations in the category of "Best Education Blog" TLWMSN was recognized in the top ten! The polls to vote are not open yet, but I hope when they are you will all mark your electronic ballots for TLWMSN.

The 2007 Weblog Awards


  1. Congratulations and well-deserved! Your blog is amazing!

  2. I never had any doubts that your efforts wouldn't be given the recognition they deserve.
    Your blog is valued by so many people around the globe.

  3. P.S Hoping your visit to the theatre went well as well. A great day all round!!


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