
Monday, November 3, 2008

Everyone is doing it -- writing about and downloading Access Aps

Access Aps is a free set of open source software, like Open Office, and assistive technology softwares.

Here are some of the applications on Access Aps:
You can choose from a full download, a lite download or "pick and choose" to get only what you/your learners need. The Access Aps need to be downloaded, unzipped and then installed on a flash drive to make it portable and usable on any computer. You will need a 2G or bigger flash drive.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing this Kate. I need to check it out. I just finished the first half of the Local Assistive Tech Certification requirement for NYS. What a great tool to download into my bag of A.T. tricks! Like you said, everyone else is doing it, why shouldn't I?


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