
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

You Don't Say! AAC Conversation of the Day.

The Setting:

Science Class, playing a teacher made game called "5 Healthy Habits" which involves rolling a die, moving your game piece and answering yes or no as to whether or not the picture on your square is part of a healthy habit.

The Conversation

Teacher: You landed on exercise! Yes or no, is exercise a healthy thing to do?

Student, verbally: "No." Followed up by, "Nope!" on AAC device.

Paraprofessional: "Let's call the nurse over and ask her..."

Nurse comes over.

Teacher: "In our game we have the question is exercise a healthy habit. Someone says the answer is no. What do you say as a nurse?"

Nurse: "Oh, yes! Exercise is very healthy! It very important!"

Student: With AAC, "I don't like it!" then with voice, "No!"

Teacher: "Well, just because you don't like something doesn't mean it isn't healthy..."

Student: With AAC device, "I don't like it!" then crosses arms indicating the conversation is over. Then changes mind and presses, "Please, go away!"

A note about the AAC device used: this student uses a Go Talk 20+, upgraded from a Go Talk 9+ just under a week ago. The top row core vocabulary used is "yes", "no", "more", "all done" and "my turn". Across most boards several other squares are also reserved for core vocabulary including the third row down, last two squares, "I am great!", "I am terrible!" and the end of the bottom row, "Please, go away!", "I like it.", "I don't like it! The student is now, in a very short period of time, spontaneously using most of the core vocabulary. This student does not generally visually scan well before choosing, thus static location of core vocabulary is key. The rest of the boxes are used for fringe vocabulary and right now the student has a total of three overlays, morning meeting, social and art (which also works for Unique Curriculum since it usually involves cutting and gluing our answers). We are waiting to see what will be the most useful for the last two overlays.

1 comment:

  1. LOL. While I confess what the student said wasn't very polite, I am cheering. Sounds like something my Nik would do at some point!


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