
Friday, August 20, 2010

Switches Galore Slide Show

Just updated, with new switches and labels, all of the switches available on the internet.  This are all single (and a few double) switches to use to give input to a computer (via a switch interface), an adapted toy or device or an environmental control adapter like a PowerLink.

Remember that Tash Switches are now vended by Ablenet.
Also if you cannot find a certain switch in the USA then check ATNAD or QED.

Interested in sequentail switches?  Many folks think there is only one choice, but here are a few.  Most come with levels standard or levels as an option, all have either a recording time or message number limit.  All allow a sequential message to be played by pressing the switch top or an access switch attached to the sequential switch.  Some allow the attachment of an external speaker for when you need big sound.

1 comment:

  1. Bold claim to say that's all on the Internet, but impressive none the less.

    Seen these?

    Look very useful. Keep up the great posts, Kate!


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