Here is a multiple part activity you can do that includes sorting by part of speech and then using the symbols for MadLibs style activities.
Part One: Teach your students the three basic parts of speech: noun, verb, adjective. Although you may want to teach the parts of speech using the words that the student's AAC system uses/will use i.e. action words, describers, people/places/things. (If you students are able to learn more then go for it!).
Now you can set aside the symbols left over each day until you have a tidy pile of them and then allow a student to sort them into the correct containers. This is a great way for emerging AAC users to work on catagories. You can hold up a symbol and ask the student to show you in his book or device where they would find that word. (I would consider printing out a few sets of core vocabulary word symbols and adding them to the pile to be sorted on a regular basis.)
Now you have containers of words to use for activities. Some ideas include:
- MadLib Style Activities - print out free, "easy" MadLib style activites and then allow student to pick from a field of two or three (or more) words from the correct container to fill in the blanks (we did this with some free Halloween MadLib's last week - so fun!) or you can go through a theme related paragraph or book you have already read to the students and turn it into a MadLib
- Silly Sentences - have students pick one word from each jar and make a sentence
- Charades or Pictionary -play with peer tutors using words pulled from the containers
- Art - use the symbols in art projects and collages related
- Play Clap/Slap (adapt the movement as needed)
- Sort the words even more - by topic or other criteria
- Use spare symbols as "foils" when asking questions
This is an awesome idea! I always feel guilty recycling the extra symbols from Unique but I haven't been able to come up with a fun and easy way to use them.