These two photo keychains came from the Dollar Tree Store yesterday. They make a great quick yes/no, more/all done, first/next, etc. communication board. The large clip is also from the dollar store.
Update: I handed these three keychains out at our ESY program today and had to commission a friend to swing by the Dollar Tree again and pick up more. The idea seems popular.
One little six year old girl, who communicates via eyegaze (and is awaiting the new Dynavox Vmax with Eyemax accessory) took to it right away, in fact she used the pink keychain to tell me she wanted the blue one. It was pretty great.
I love it!!! Quick access, clip on, easy to use. Great idea and cheap. Thanks Kate,
I love it!!! Quick access, clip on, easy to use. Great idea and cheap. Thanks Kate,
That's a great idea. Thanks!