Although Velcro is our most frequent way of storing and arranging symbols for communication in our classrooms there are some benefits to thinking outside the box and turning to magnet symbols among them that using magnets generally won't ruin as many pairs of scissors, with magnets you don't need to remember the "soft stays" Velcro rule to avoid having incompatible sets, and the fact that most of use have metal desks, magnetic dry erase boards and/or other metal furniture in out classroom we cab turn into "word walls" using magnets symbols. Last year I kept magnetic picture symbols for eat, drink and the most common items we had in our classroom mini-fridge attached to the door and was thrilled to see one of my students take to that system without any training.
Here are some resources for moving to magnet based communication symbols:
Pre-Made Communication Magnets
- Barker-Creek PCS Magnets (also vended by Say-It-With-Symbols a local {for me} company run by a parent of a child with disabilities)
- CommuniPix (photo cards)
- IncredAbilities Magnetic PECS (PCS Symbols)
- Label and Learn Sign Language Magnets
- magnetic paint (you can use it on walls, table tops, tri-wall built items, easels, wooden clip boards or wheelchair trays and more)
- printable magnet paper
- Magnet Store (magnetic materials vendor)
- magnetic clipboard
- magnetic lapboard (great for on-the-run communication or choice boards)
- magnetic table top easel
- magnetic mats
- magnetic tri-fold boards
- MagnaTag Store
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