This is another parent request for a post, this time I was asked about weighted blankets. Here are some articles that reference weighted blankets:
- AOTA Presentation about Weighted Blankets
- Blankets with Weights Help Calm and Sooth Mental Health Patients
- Calming Effects of Deep Pressure Touch
- Exploring the Safety and Theraputic Effects of a Weighted Blanket
- Hospital Trying Blanket Therapy
- Soothing High Anxiety with a Huggable Blanket
- Understanding Sensory Stimulation
- Weighted Vests and Other Sensory Interventions at the Dentists Office
- Weighted Blankets can Increase Melatonin Production
- Affordable Weighted Blankets
- Bella
- Cozy Calm
- Dream Catcher Weighted Blankets
- Quiet Quilt
- Salt of the Earth Weighted Gear
- Sammons Preston
- Sommerfly
- South Paw
- Special Creation
- Therapeutic Threads
- Therapy Threads
- The Magic Blanket
Although most studies seem to find weighted blankets to be safe there is a need to follow some guidelines with there use. The most important thing to remember, in my opinion are that weighted blankets are a sensory tool, NEVER a restraint or punishment. Here are the recommendations made by the Autism Society of Canada:
- A health professional’s advice must be obtained to ensure that the use of the blanket is suitable for the child
- The weight of the blanket must be in proportion of the child’s physique and weight
- The child’s head must never be, or be able to be, covered by the blanket
- Vital signs should always be observable
- The child must never be rolled in a blanket (unless a therapist is constantly at his or her side)
- A child must never be left unsupervised
- The child must be able to easily slip out of the blanket if he or she wishes to do so (it is not a confinement)
- The child must express his or her consent to this, even if it is not verbal
(Autism Society Canada, 2008)
I know these weighted blankets have really done the trip for my daughter who is a real sensory seeker. She loves her blanket! Thanks for the great additional research articles - good stuff.