Reading and listening comprehension, spelling and vocabulary are key parts of the common core for all grade levels. For our students who communicate using alternative methods and do not yet write we still need to address these vital skills. In fact, it may be more important that we teach these skills. Not to mention use the teaching of these skills as a vehicle to increase communication abilities.
Here is a collection of worksheets designed for AAC users who do not write. The sheets have embedded data collection for alternative assessment. Additionally they focus on vital communication skills such as categorization, locating vocabulary, using synonyms and antonyms and giving opinions.
Please remember that using these sheets is not teaching, it is testing. Testing should never replace teaching! These sheets should be used after direct and differentiated instruction that gives students to skills to answer the questions. Handing any of these sheets to a paraprofessional and expecting that to replace quality teaching is obviously something none of us would consider high quality instruction.
Feel free to adapt these for other picture symbol sets, communication systems and ages/abilities. If you send me your creations I will share them with all my readers!
Fiction Comprehension Check
Non-Fiction Comprehension Check
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