On Thursday the postman delivered Clicker 5 to my door. I spent a frustrating couple of evenings trying to figure out why everyone said it was so easy before I discovered a few online tutorials. The video ones at Kent School and Atomic Learning were particularly helpful. Crick Software, Call Centre and Kent School have nice print tutorials too.
Once I got a hang of the basics making activities was easy. I even uploaded a unit on jobs for older learners with special needs and a few other activities to learninggrids.com. Learning Grids is an online resource of Clicker grids that others have made to share. There are quite a few activities here to check out.
I have also found a few sites (besides learning grids) that have activities to download:
- Kent School
- Queensland Activity Sharing
- Spectronics
- Special Education Supports
- SET BC Accessible Books
- Curriculum SET
- Learning Magic (for $$$)
I am pretty excited to try these lessons out with my students tomorrow. I will write another review or two as I experiment more.
As new computers are introduced with Clocker, Microsoft Vista, Office Suite 2007 and Moodle, pupils and staff will need training on the new interfaces. You are welcome to pass out the following complimentary pass. You can use it in training sessions, post on your blog/podcast or brush up on you own personal ICT Skills.
Username: Vista
Password: atomic (CaSe SeNsItIvE!)
Valid until 30 June
If you are looking for content for your VLE, integration of Atomic Learning is as easy as a simple web link: http://www.atomiclearning.co.uk/freealmovie?key=16146