- 7 single messages (25 seconds each)
- 1 memo message (60 seconds)
- Recessed keyboard to prevent accidental activation
- Digital sound - for incredible sound quality
- LED feedback
- Rechargeable battery
- Volume control and volume lockout
- Headphone jack
- Low memory and low battery indicators
- AbleNet durability and water resistant
- Optional Symbol Holder available
The size is 2.5" x 5.25" x 1.04" which is the size is the size of this handheld game, only the Lingo is .25" shorter. It weights about 4.5 oz. It will be selling for $179.00 come "the winter 07/08 season".
This reminds me of the four button wrist band AAC device that Ablenet sold about five or six years ago. (What was that called?) In theory it was a nice device, small, portable. However the first run out of the factory was impossible to program (I thought) and no sooner did Ablenet get them so they worked did they pull them off the market. I hope this is a nice alternate. I am waiting to hear reports about ease of programming, durability and volume.
I love Ablenet and really hate to criticize, but why take a step back in time...