Bonus Photo:
Resources and ideas for teachers of learners with severe, profound, intensive, significant, complex or multiple special needs.
It is like a very big library or place to find information. You can also find other people who are interested in the same things as you.
The aim is to make it easy for people with a learning disability to use.
We have called it The Big Tree because it's going to grow like a tree.
The twigs of the tree are the pathways which you can't see but link the websites together.
The leaves will be the websites about learning disability.
The trunk of the tree will be where people can add their ideas. We call this 'community'.
Finally the roots will be the system which makes sure it all works. We call this 'research'.
To start with it will be small but each week new information will be available with links to many other internet websites.
Hearing Impairment Reminders for Learners
with Multiple Disabilities
o Bend down or sit down to students who are sitting
o Do not talk behind student’s back
· Be sure student can see your face (hands down, nothing in your mouth)
· Speak loudly and clearly, enunciate
· Use short clear sentences
· Use visual communication that is known to the student (sign or picture symbols)
· Allow time for processing (look at the clock to slow yourself down, wait at least 30-45 seconds before repeating commands or questions)
· Check for understanding
· Repeat and Rephrase if needed
Hearing Aid and FM Care