Last week
News-2-You introduced an exciting new product,
News-2-You Animated Videos.

These videos, done in collaboration with
Wonder Grove, embed SymbolStix picture symbols as animated characters teach about safety, nutrition and other life skills. The concepts taught in the videos produced to date nearly all require communication or independent mobility to be relevant to learners. Hopefully topics more relevant to our learners with more significant challenges will be added, such as self-advocacy, abuse prevention and choice making beyond nutrition and fitness. As they stand the collection of videos would be superb for many students with Down Syndrome or related disorders or on the Autism spectrum. I can see them being added to lessons on a SmartBoard or put on mobile devices for students to watch.

Currently there are 12 videos which star four animated characters: Chris, Dee, Maria and Peter are a diverse bunch of characters. However it is my hope that a character with a physical and/or communication disability is added.
As an alternative to SymbolStix a number of the videos can be purchased with
"Signing Savvy" sign language embedded into the video. The videos can also be
purchased without any embedded signs or symbols.
You can find free samples on their website.
You can
check out two samples or purchase the videos online at News-2-You or Wonder Grove Kids.
I noticed the link on the top of the News-2-You page last week, but didn't have a chance to check it out. Thanks for posting. Looks like the videos won't be included with a New-2-You subscription and I don't see schools purchasing the videos at $4 a piece, when you can find similar videos elsewhere for free. Initially, I was excited because I thought it might be like a News show related to each weeks paper.