Communication and transition passorts are one to several page booklets done in a low, high tech or mixed media format that gives current and future communication partners and caregivers information about the individual with disabilities. You can focus only on communication in a communication passport or the whole child in a transition passport. The communication passport focuses on all means of communication the individual may use from eye gaze and gestures to set-up and trouble shooting an AAC device. Meanwhile a transition passport features everything from feeding and hygiene to what to do in an emergency and what is calming or upsetting to the individual.
Here are some links to give you more information and even templates and samples:
All About Me
Communication Passports and Transition Portfolios
- Personal Communication Passports
- Communication Passport Template (PDF)
- AACPC Communication Passports and Samples
- Communication Passports Slide Show
- CALL CENTRE Passport Example
- Introduction to Communication Passports Article
- Transition Portfolio
- The Transition Portfolio